Here are samples of phone interview confirmation emails you can send out to confirm an interview session. This email is essential because it ensures that the timing and other vital information about a scheduled phone interview is in session.
Sample : Phone Interview Confirmation Email
This template outlines the structure of your email when writing a phone interview confirmation email.
Suggested Subject: Interview Confirmation: [Job Title], [Your First Name] [Your Last Name]
Sample 2: Phone Interview Confirmation Email
In this type of email, ensure it appears polity before sending.
Suggested Subject: Confirmation of your Phone Interview
Sample 3: Phone Interview Confirmation Email
This sample is for a scheduled phone interview for a telemarketing agent position. In writing this kind of email, start by appreciating the host, then go ahead and re-echo the details of the interview.
Suggested Subject: Interview Confirmation: [The title of the work]
Sample 4: Phone Interview Confirmation Email
In writing an interview confirmation email, your tone of voice should show excitement in the manner you express yourself. Below is a good sample for you.
Suggested Subject: Confirmation for Scheduled Interview by [ Put the date and time]
Sample 5: Phone Interview Confirmation Email
Don’t drift away from the main point of the email to extraneous factors. Hit the nail by the head by going straight to the point after greeting the receiver of your email.
Suggested Subject: RE: Interview with [name of company] for [put the position of the job]
Sample 6: Phone Interview Confirmation Email
Once you’re invited for a phone interview, a confirmation email to the interviewer that you’re serious about the job is to reach out to confirm the scheduled interview. This sample will help you to achieve that.
Suggested Subject: Confirmation of interview as [title of the job] at [name of the company]