Writing a proper letter of approval requires good email writing skills coupled with sound organizational behavior and management skill. With this in mind, we have compiled some samples to help you write the best and most professional approval email.
Sample 1: Email Acknowledging an Approval Request
Here is a sample letter you can use when acknowledging an approval request.
Subject Line: Approval Needed – End of Year Budget
Sample 2: Email Declining a Leave Request
Here’s a sample letter of approval when a team leader has to decline a leave request because the requesting officer has not met the requirements to be entitled to leave according to company policy.
Suggested Subject: Leave Request Status – Adam Kain
Sample 3: Email of Approval for a Leave Request
A typical letter of approval most businesses will encounter is for Leave requests. Here’s a sample letter of approval for a leave request.
Suggested Subject: Leave Approval
Sample 4: Letter of Approval
This email is a formal approval letter for a requested item or action. It aims to inform the recipient that their request has been approved, express appreciation for their work, and offer further assistance if needed.
Suggested Subject: Approval of Requested…
Sample 5: Letter of Approval
This email is an approval letter for a leave of absence. It aims to acknowledge the recipient’s decision, express support, and offer further assistance if needed.
Suggested Subject: Approval for Leave of Absence