Email Requesting a Loan Whether or not you’ll be given a loan depends greatly on your email request. Hence, when writing this kind of...
Discounts on Overdue Invoices to a Strapped Loyal Client via Email To maintain your relationship with loyal customers, it is sometimes wiser to offer discounts to strapped clients (that are loyal)...
Request for the Payment of an Overdue Invoice In business transactions, it is not uncommon to have clients make use of your credit lines. No matter the checks...
Reply To Vendors Requesting Payment Tap into proper email writing skills and etiquette to manage vendor expectations properly and reply professionally to vendors requesting payment....
Payment Reminder Email These are email templates to help you remind your clients and customers about outstanding or due invoices at various stages....
Best Practices for Negotiating with Email With the continuous increase of competition in the marketplace, negotiation skill is now an indispensable tool. If you don’t master...