App Launch Announcement Email

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Excited about the launch of your mobile App? You need to take the next step to ensure that people are using the App in the next couple of days. After all, that’s the main essence of the App. An announcement email might just be the secret sauce you need. Here are different samples you can blast to your email list for them to check out your App.

Sample: App Launch Announcement Email

Below is the structure of App launch announcement email. The most important thing is to copy, edit or fill in the blank spaces, and Whee! you can start blasting your contact.

Suggested Subject: App Launch Announcement

Greetings, [name],

In light of our exceptional progress over the past [insert number of years], we are pleased to announce that we will be extending our operations.

We will be launching a new app by [insert date and specifications].

We welcome you to join us on [insert date] for the grand app launch. There will be many fascinating surprises, as well as attractive bargains, to look forward to.

[Insert a particular call to action based on your offer] If you would like to take advantage of your opening day discount, please click on the button below so that we can give you the discount code via email.

We’ll meet again there.

[Insert the name of your company or brand here]

Sample 2: App Launch Announcement Email

Show the excitement in how you announce the App launch with your email. This sample below says it all.

Suggested Subject: Good News! App Launched

Greetings, Ms. Katrina

The long-awaited Z app has finally arrived!

What distinguishes the Z app from the competition is that it lets you sync and even link your account across devices. Imagine having all your information on all your devices.

You may get your Z app directly from our website, or you can find it on as well.

An amazing offer of a 10% discount will be provided to the first 100 people who place an order with us.

What are you waiting for?

Head of Product
Z Industries

Sample 3: App Launch Announcement Email

You don’t want to launch your new App, and after 3 months, you’re the only person using it. That would have defeated the aim of the App development. Use this sample to get people aware of the App.

Suggested Subject: App Now Available for Download

Hello there, Mr. Jimmy Bon,

It gives us great pleasure to announce the introduction of Z, our newest application.

With its audio feature, all you need to do is speak while the app does the typing for you.

We have been working diligently to enhance our service over the past few months, and we feel that Z will help you enjoy your experience with TechBane even more.

Still, want more information on what the Z app is all about?

Visit for more information on this fantastic product.

We have an app that you can get straight from the App Store and Google Play store.

Try it now and leave a review, will you?

Head of Product
Z Industries

Sample 4: App Launch Announcement Email

If you’ve made an upgrade to your existing App, this email will be a good one in announcing the availability of the updated App to your audience.

Suggested Subject: Updated [name of App] Launch Announcement Email

Hello, Ms. Esther Bennet

Our new, improved version of [product] is now available for download!

We made sure to fix the earlier problem of ads in the app. Now, you can enjoy our Z app without worrying about unnecessary pop-up ads.

Are you ready to download the most recent version?

To get started, click on the icon below.

Get ready to get Z-apped!


Head of Product
Z Industries

Sample 5: App Launch Announcement Email

When announcing your App launch, one thing you should consider doing is listing the features of the App and why it’s worth having.

Suggested Subject: Finally: [name of App] App Launch Announcement Email

Hello there, Jamie McGregor,

It’s finally time for the big day! We have just completed the app development of ReadABook. The editor has reviewed all books, and you can now have all your favorite classics in one place.

Rather than waiting for the book to be released on the official website,, and Amazon, this app lets you pre-order the book from the app before anybody else does.

Only 3000 copies are available worldwide.

Also, with the app, you can read all your favorite books offline, without worries,

Preorder now to be among the first 3000 persons worldwide to get our most sought-after books.


Head of Product
Z Industries

Updated on December 22, 2023

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