When you get an email introduction from a potential customer, you should respond to the email introduction adequately, ensuring your message exhibits trust, serious-mindedness, and courtesy.
Sample 1: Email Introduction from a Potential Customer
Below is a drafted email sent to Acadia Farms from John Raymond.
Suggested Subject: Reply to inquiry
Sample 2: Responding to Email Introduction from a Potential Customer
Below is the response to the email received from Mr. John Raymond.
Suggested Subject: Response from
Sample 3: Responding to Email Introduction from a Potential Customer
This is a response to a potential customer’s introduction, expressing gratitude for their interest and a willingness to assist with their needs. It also offers to answer any questions they may have.
Suggested Subject: Introduction from
Sample 4: Responding to Email Introduction from a Potential Customer
This is a response to a potential customer’s introduction, expressing gratitude for their interest and a willingness to provide more information about services offered. It also offers to answer any questions they may have.
Suggested Subject: Introduction from
Sample 5: Responding to Email Introduction from a Potential Customer
This is a response to a potential customer’s introduction, expressing gratitude for their interest and a willingness to provide more information about how the business can benefit them. It also offers to answer any questions they may have.
Suggested Subject: RE: Introduction from