Politely Asking for a Reply in a Formal Email

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Many people get so busy that they eventually forget to reply to emails. Oftentimes, delay in replying to an email or total neglect of an email could be a result of procrastination or the content of the email. In such a case, you may need to politely ask for a reply to your email.

Sample 1: Follow-Up Email

Here is an example of a follow-up email

Suggested Subject: Following Up

Hey Joan!

I am circling back to ensure you received my previous email.

Are you still available to catch up? Let me know the day and time that work best for you.


Sample 2: Follow-Up Email

Here is another sample of a follow-up email. Notice the formal tone in this template.

Suggested Sample: Follow up on our conversation

Dear Melinda Gate,

I am following up in regards to our conversation the other day.

I’d love to provide you with a tour of our dashboard to highlight some of Woculus’ best email management solutions and marketing tools.

Do you have time for a chat or phone call next week?

Best regards,
James John

Sample 3: Follow-Up Email

Here is another template for a follow-up email.

Suggested Subject: Following up

Hi Ayo,

I hope you’re doing well.
I am checking in to see when you may have time for a demo of our dashboard. It helps to see (first-hand) how to create better and more effective emails that can help grow your business.

Do you have some time to connect in the upcoming weeks?

James Mike

Sample 4: Follow-Up Email

This email is a formal follow-up inquiry for a job application. The sender is politely asking for a reply to inquire about the status of thei

Suggested subject: follow-up inquiry for the job application

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I submitted my application for the position of [Position Name] on [Application Submission Date]. I am writing to inquire about the status of my application.

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to join [Company Name] and believe that my qualifications and experience align with the requirements of the position. If you require any additional information or clarification, please let me know.

I appreciate your time and consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

Sample 5: Follow-Up Email

This email is a polite follow-up request for a meeting. The sender is requesting a reply to know the recipient’s availability for the meeting to discuss a specific purpose.

Suggested Subject: Request for Meeting Follow-Up

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Last week, I sent a meeting request to discuss [Purpose of Meeting] and I have not received any response yet. I understand that you may have a busy schedule, and I am following up to know your availability for the meeting.

I value your time and respect your schedule, so please let me know if you prefer another date or time that works for you. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Updated on June 16, 2024

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